
Monday, November 10, 2003

What are blogs?
Blogs are probably one of the most recent and most effective ways of getting your opinion out to the general public. Blogs are personal writings and are not commercialized by large companies trying to sell you their products. It is also a way of expression for some people. Some people use blogs as a diary except that it is public and the rest of the world could read it if they want to.

There are three different kinds of blogs that I have found, there are probably many more but here are just a few. One kind of blog is for political uses. For example, lawyers who want to get their opinion out to the people or use it to communicate with other lawyers and get their help or opinions on the subject. Another type of blog is one that is used for healthcare purposes. For example, this woman writes a blog to keep her comforted that she is not alone in her bed in the hospital. She talks to other bloggers and keeps blog of her own so that others can read and learn from her experiences. Lastly, blogs are used by scientists and professors. Scientists use blogs to communicate their discoveries or latest developments in their particular field, while professors a lot use it for the same reason they also use it to help educate their students on their findings, research and development.

Overall, blogs are generally a good thing because people get a chance to express themselves without having to go through the media. With this type of option out there, there will be no need to write to the newspaper company asking them to post up your letter. You do not have to wait for them to tell you ‘yes’ we can put it up or ‘no’ we cannot because we do not agree with what you have written. In blogs, it does not matter whether people like your opinion or not, it is going to be there. Blogs have potential to do great things, but I think it might need to have some basic rules or else some readers will get upset at what others write and that is where the problem lies with blogs.

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